
  • [Unity] Start Unity on HTC Vive Focus 3 (Unity - HTC Vive 개발 초기 셋업)
    VR & AR 개발/Unity 개발 2022. 5. 12. 18:44

    HTC Vive Focus 3 is one of the All-in-One HMD with SnapDragon. In this article, I'd like to intorduce the initial setting to build the Unity application on HTC Vive Focus 3. Unlike other HTC Vive devices (e.g., HTC Vive, HTC Vive Pro or Pro Eye), HTC Vive Focus 3 needs extra SDK, VIVE Wave SDK, to build the Unity of Unreal Engine application. 

    I have referred to various blogs and VIVE documentation, but I am writing because I do not have data that explains easily from initial setting to apk build. I hope this article will be helpful to people who start developing Unity.  This article consists of (1) SDK setting, (2) Build setting, (3) Build, (4) JDK not found error solution, and (5) Run the apk on the HMD.Let's Start! 


    HTC Vive Focus 3를 사용하여 Unity 개발을 하는 사람들을 위한 초기 셋팅에 대한 글입니다. HTC Vive Focus 3는 Vive사에서 최근에 출시한 All-in-One device로, tethered device들에 비해 문서화가 잘 되어있지 않습니다. Focus 3의 경우는 Wave SDK를 별도로 설치하여 구현해야하는데, 공식 documentation이나 해외 blog들이 전체적인 flow를 다루고 있지 않고, 파편적인 설명만 다루고 있어서 셋팅이 어려웠습니다. 이 글이 여러분에게 도움이 되면 좋겠습니다 :-)

    1. SDK Setting 

    Step 1. Before start, you need to down load VIVE Import Utility and VIVE Wave SDK in Asset Store

    Asset Store site

    Search the SDKs in Asset Store and click open them in Unity

    Step2. Package Manager → VIVE Input Utility Import, then click Accept All in the following pop up window

    Step3. Package Manager → VIVE Wave SDK Import same as Step 1 


    2. Biuld Setting

    Step 1. Project Settings → XR Plug-in Management → Install

    Step 2. Project Settings → WAVE XR → Import Feature - Custom Android Manifest

    Step 3. Preferences → VIU Settings → Check Simulator

    Step 4. Build Settings → Android  → (Install with Unity Hub) Switch Platform

    Step 5. Preferences → VIU Settings → Add Wave XR Plugin Check Wave XR

    At this time, a VIVE registry is automatically added, which is essential for Wave XR and please leave as it is.

    Step 6. Package Manager → Chage Packages to My Registries

    Step 7. Check wether VIVE WAVE XR Plugin is installed in your My Registries. If not, pleas install it. 

    3. Build

    You should connect your HMD to the PC before build. 

    Step 1. Build and Run (or Build Settings → Bulid and Run) 

    Step 2. Save your apk

    4. JDK Error

    After build, you might face the JDK not found error message. Here's a simple solution. You can just install OpenJDK to your unity version.

    Step 4. Build Settings → Android  → (Install with Unity Hub) → Switch Platform

    Step 2. Right mouse click → Add modules

    Step 3. Install Adroid SDK & NDK Tools and OpenJDK

    After the installation, you can build your project successfully. 

    4. HTC Vive Focus 3 Setup

    Step1. In HMD, Settings → Advanced → Enable (1) USB debugging, (2) Install unknown app, and (3) USB compatibility mode 

    Step2. Connect your HTC Vive Focus 3 to your PC 

    Step3. In HMD, there will be "USB Mode Choose" window. Please choose File Transfer

    Step4. In PC, open the HTC's downloads folder and move the apk to this folder

    Step5. In HMD, Settings → Storage → File Browser Downloads → Click the apk you want to run 


    So this is the end of this article. I'm pretty sure that this is the most clear and easy explanation of Unity initial setting for HTC Vive Focus 3 😂. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them! Thanks~


Written by Geulleun